Some great questions for those who are like me addicted to all the bad things in life....
- Why is it you can never eat 1 pringle or 1 jaffa cake you always finish the tube/packet?
- How come peanuts are so addictive, I'm mean they don't even taste that good?
- Why does diet stuff NEVER taste as good as the real thing?
- And why is it once you open a tin of Roses (meant for Christmas) that you can't stop eating them??????!!!!!
I'm sure Cadburys are conspiring an evil plot to make me eat more of their products, after all I am their best customer!!! I can't help it.... some people do drink, some do drugs, I do CHOCOLATE! If I didn't love it so I would be like a size 8 or something!
Oh to be like Paula who hates it.... maybe I should go and be hypnotised it to hating it!Or just wait til I've won the lottery so I can have liposuction.....that make be some time as I don't play it....
Oh well diet starts again tomorrow......