Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Head still may explode!

My head is in no better state than my last writing!

but I have found this (nicked it off Paula!) to help me along!
My bestest friend Paula was recently a patient of the great University Hospital of Hartlepool aka the dump!
She was nearly dead!!!!!
She had no immune system, due to the drugs she takes for her arthritis, so she was quite ill although if you ask her she'll say "I'm fine".
I am glad she is out of hospital now! Even though she is complaining that my gifts weren't as good as Charlie's! and that she didn't even love me enough to keep my get well card!!! She's not getting that Puppy now!!!!!
Anyway enough boringness I am nearly at my 100 post which means I have way too much free time (yeah Right) or that I talk so much rubbish!!! (which is more likely!)


woot said...

I want my puppy!!!!

And I didn't nearly die at all. I had a bit of a bug that knocked me on my arse for a couple of days.

I'm really upset that i lost your card. I would have gone lookign for it but they wouldn't let me wander off incase I caught something else...

Lorna's Ark said...


woot said...

Did not!

Lorna's Ark said...

did too

woot said...

did not

Lorna's Ark said...

did so

woot said...

Did not and I have the doctors note to prove it!

woot said...

well I'm still alive so GIVE ME MY PUPPY!.

And I'm not having Ben...

Lorna's Ark said...

A sore throat can kill if you HAVE NO IMMUNE SYSTEM SPANNER!!!!!!!!!

Lorna's Ark said...

No Puppy Ben is your best option

woot said...

Ben isn't a puppy and is therefore excluded from the offer.

Lorna's Ark said...

Do you have the card as proof of the offer specifications.......NO so you can't prove what the offer was so can't claim that the offer is not good enough....

woot said...



woot said...

Ha ha ha - I'm winning!

woot said...

Still Winning!

Lorna's Ark said...

sorry it my post you don't get to win!

woot said...

Do to! I have millions of comments! The comment war has begun. Victory is MINE!!!!