Thursday, November 30, 2006

More more more....

Some great questions for those who are like me addicted to all the bad things in life....

  1. Why is it you can never eat 1 pringle or 1 jaffa cake you always finish the tube/packet?
  2. How come peanuts are so addictive, I'm mean they don't even taste that good?
  3. Why does diet stuff NEVER taste as good as the real thing?
  4. And why is it once you open a tin of Roses (meant for Christmas) that you can't stop eating them??????!!!!!

I'm sure Cadburys are conspiring an evil plot to make me eat more of their products, after all I am their best customer!!! I can't help it.... some people do drink, some do drugs, I do CHOCOLATE! If I didn't love it so I would be like a size 8 or something!

Oh to be like Paula who hates it.... maybe I should go and be hypnotised it to hating it!

Or just wait til I've won the lottery so I can have liposuction.....that make be some time as I don't play it....

Oh well diet starts again tomorrow......


woot said...

Hating choc aint all its cracked up to be. I will never feel the relief it brings with that annoying monthly cycle, I will never indulge in eating it off someone and (as even the smell of it knock me sick) them eating it off me. Chocolate ice cream is completely unknown to me and we all know that ice cream falvours with the best names all have choc in them. "Phish food", "Cherry Garcia" etc. I get "Vanilla" or "Baileys". Not very imaginitve...

Why havent you commented on my blog?

Pass the Pringles!!!

Lorna's Ark said...

don't like you thats why paula!!!!
charlie have no idea what you are on about *grins*