Tuesday, February 21, 2006

He's here! My little bundle of joy, Noah arrived on sat 11th Feb 2006 at 12:41pm. My first words when I saw my son were looking loving at my husband..."you've given me a ginger child!"
Labour was not as bad as I expected! Although do remember throwing up on the way to delivery suite! Pity the poor cleaner who got that corridor duty!
Faith has been an angel with Noah she hugs him, (to the point where he almost stops breathing!) kisses him (grabbing his head and turning his lips to hers!) and trys to cover him with blankets even if hes not cold! Bless her! She's the proud big sister! She is still not sure about breast feeding and looks at me strangely when I say he's having some milk!.....as if you get milk from there mummy surely it comes in a bottle from Tesco's like mine does????
My husband is of course being the proud father and taking his share of the work load amazingly he is being quiet helpful! Must be something in the water!
So apart from sore breasts and no sleep we are a new happy little family ready to face all the new challenges that life can throw at us... like how do you get a double buggy through a gap that big??? or how much stuff do we need to take for a weekend visit to my mothers???
oh well the challenge will no doubt be filled with ups & downs but I wouldnt change my life for one minuet!

1 comment:

woot said...



*gets up off floor and sits back on chair*

Glad Stu is being a good daddy. Most men have that Son thing. He has his heir now who will carry his name on forever.

Has ginger hair though...

Mebbe you should have his name changed just incase people recognise you be the name...

Hee hee hee

Love you and the babe really doll!
