Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I HATE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so fed up with work! I love the girls I work with its just my boss except me to do 50,000.000 hours work in 25 hours a week! She made me write a to do list yesterday it was like 50 pages long!!! I'm only meant to be PART time!!!!

ARGHHHHHHHH I'm gonna have to quit, I don't see my kids hardly and have got them with a childminder something I said I'd never do!!!

But I don't wanna quit!!!! I like work just not the stress!!! Guess thats everyone!!!

Anyway its just a stop gap until our business takes off! Can't wait to be my own boss! YEAH!

Going now to look for premises


woot said...


Did you find any?

Come on!

woot said...

You need a new blog.

Lorna's Ark said...

nope didnt really look